Saturday, May 5, 2012

Let's get things rolling

Hello friends!  If you are here I guess you figured out that I decided to start this record label.  There are a handful of reasons I have done this, the #1 reason being that I love music, I love records, and I have a lot of ideas - so the idea of putting out records for good people and good bands seems like a good thing for me to do!

Reality is a Cult is a non-profit label, meaning that any money I make is just going to go back into putting out more records.  I'll additionally be running a small distro with the purpose of making rad records, zines, etc available and accessible to people.  All the money made from the distro will also go back into putting out more records!!!

So... without further ado - here we go!

This is what I currently have planned/in the works for the summer: -  Closet Burner 12"  (summer 2012) -  Mary & Child CS  (summer 2012) -  Indiana Hardcore Compilation CS (w/No I in Punk - summer 2012) -  Sad Family 10"  (summer/fall 2012)

Other Future Releases:
  Parasitic Twins/Side FX Split 7" (with several other labels)
  Kam Kama EP
  Also looking to do several cassettes this fall!

I have a lot planned to be happening over the next few months, so keep checking back here for updates.
