Check out the new look! I have tried to make this page a little easier to navigate, so enjoy :)
I also have a bit of news, the Rat Storm/Chaotic Neutral test presses should be here in a few days, which is super-exciting. I can't wait to get that record out! Additionally, I have confirmed with Peeple Watchin' that I will be releasing the CS version of their LP. Peeple Watchin' are an AWESOME poppy punk band from Boston and they are awesome people, so this is gonna be great.
Additionally, I am working on another project that will be REALLY exciting, but it's not for sure yet... check back soon.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Distro Update
Wow, I have been really lazy about updating the distro, but here is a list of what I currently have. Order some stuff! Shipping will be media mail, so it'll stay cheap. Also, any labels that want to trade for Reality is a Cult releases, get in touch.
Reality is a Cult Releases:
Casque - Devour the Lion CS - $4 - Misanthropic black metal punk. ($5.50 ppd)
Closet Burner -" S/T 12" (Screen printed B-side, Clear or Transparent Fluourescent Pink Vinyl)- $8 - Pissed-off queer-positive fascrore! ($11 ppd)
Alpinist/Masakari Split - $10 - Two amazing brutal hardcore bands.
Apeface - S/T - $8
Autarkeia - S/T - $8 - Dark, moody, emo.
Ballast - Fuse - $9 - Excellent female fronted melodic crust.
Cloud Rat/Oilly Menace/Wolbachia Split - $8 - Grind, grind, grind... fucking killer.
Cloud Rat/Xtra Vomit Split - $10 - Two amazing bands together. RECCOMMENDED!
Common Enemy - Living the Dream (Green) - $9 - SKATE THRASH SKATE THRASH
Crucifix - Dehumanization (Clear) - $12 - Limited press on clear vinyl, w/original full poster foldout jacket
D. Vassalotti - Book of Ghosts - $12
Dead Stop - Live For Nothing - $10
Discarga - Happy Night Electric Experience - $8 - Insane Brazilian fastcore
Electro Hippies - The Only Good Punk - $15 - Pre-Naplam Death. More pissed and more punk.
Extortion - Sick - $10 - Blindingly awesome techinical powerviolence.
Food - S/T - $7 - Sludgy grungy hardcore mixed up with blasts of intense speed
Glasses - The Ills of Life - $11
Her Breath on Glass - We Aimed Straight Down - $8
Heresy - Face Up To It (White) - $15
High Score - New Fuel - $6 - High energy youth crew hardcore
Human Mess - Follow You Home - $8 - Seething blistering raw hardcore
Hummingbird of Death/I Accuse Split - $8
Hummingbird of Death/Titanarum Split - $8 HoD play fastcore for nerds that love fastcore, Titanarum play dark crusty heavy punk.
Illdad - Rakaptilism - $10
Inservibles - S/T 12"- $10 - Killer fast hardcore punk from Mexico City
Intensity - The Ruins of Our Future - $6
Kam Kama - The Tiles House (White) - $12 - Goth-tinged post punk. Dark, melodic, and catchy. Great shit!
Lentic Waters - S/T - $10
Lich/Ressurectionists Split - $11
Lotus Fucker - S/T - $10
Mainstrike - No Passing Phase - $10
Mainstrike - Quest for the Answers - $12 - X the fuck up and listen to this record. Fanstistic SxE 90s hardcore from the Netherlands
Masakari - The Prophet Feeds - $10 - Intense furocious political hardcore. One of the best bands around right now.
Merkit/Hombinus Dudes Split - $6
Momentum - Whetting Occam's Razor - $10 - Dark dark heavy hardcore with an intelligent message
Negative Standards - VI-XI - $11
Northless/Light Bearer Split - $11
Poison Planet - Boycott Everything (Screened B-Side)- $9
Potty Mouth - Sun Damage - $10 - Infectious garagey punk/Riot Grrl Revival
Ripcord - Discography Pt. 3 - $10
Scrotum Grinder - The Greatest Sonic Abomination Ever - $8 - Fast, pissed, awesome.
See You in Hell - Umet Se Prodat - $8
Sin Ordern - Arte, Cultura, y Resistencia - $8 - Some of the best and smartest hardcore coming out of Chicago.
Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy - $10
Tenement - Blink Wink - $10
Terrible Feelings - Shadows - $12
The Gentle Art of Choking - 2nd LP - $8
The Makai - S/T- $11
Touche Amore - To the Beat of a Dead Horse - $12
V/A - Give me Back - $5
Crow's Foot - S/T - $8 - Melodic emotional crust from FL. Similar to greats like Bread and Water.
Panzram - Reform - $8 - Weird noisy hardcore with elements of 90s screamo like Yaphett Kotto. It's so good.
Protestant - Stalemate - $8 - Amazing record for this staple of Midwestern hardcore.
Auryn/Bosque Split - $3
Auryn/Filth Mattress Split - $3
Bastard - For the Underdogs - $6
Big Hands - S/T - $4 - Swedish black metal influenced d-beat.
Brain Killer - 3rd EP - $5 - Fantastic like always.
Capitalist Casualties/Lack of Interest Split - $5 - 7" that originally came with the Short Fast Loud zine, now on it's own.
Circuit Scarecrow - Snares + Escapism - $3
Cloud Rat/Autarkeia Split - $4
Coaccion - Revolver - $4
Control De Estado - Ladron - $4 - Cross between Crudos and Dropdead. Comes in awesome foldout screenprinted poster sleeve. Get it.
Curmudgeon - Human Orobouros - $5 - Break neck speed powerviolence with crushing female vocals. Smart lyrics too - total winner!
Death Trap - No Hicks - $4
Detonators - Sonic Manifesto - $3
Detonators - Live in Hope - $3
Filthpact/Debacle Split - $4
Go - What We Build Together - $4
Gride/Thema Eleven Split - $4 - Gride play unfuckwithable Czech grind like always. The Thema Eleven songs on this split are fantastic, punk and fuck but dark and heavy - Tragedy-esque vibe. Amazing split!
Guide - Bastard - $4 - Great record of killer powerviolence from great dudes.
Harsh/Shitfit Split - $4 - Hard to find split of D-beat hardcore.
Hexis - X - $4 - Danish oppressive black metal/hardcore punk hybrid that is different than anything you've ever heard. RECCOMMENDED.
Host - There's Nothing Up There But Heavy Clouds (White) - $5
Humans - Milk Pond (Mixed) - $5 - Lightning fast punk weirdness. Sounds a little like the Locust with more punk.
Karoshi - S/T - $3
Knife in the Leg - Bloodlust - $3
Marc Antony - Single Series - $3 - Super technical screamo. Angular and angry, just enough weirdness to always keep you on your toes.
Marc Antony/Dogs of Ire Split (Coke Bottle Clear) - $3 - Two very DIY technical hardcore bands together on a great split.
Napalm Raid - Trail of the World - $5
Peeple Watchin' - S/T - $5 - Poppy punk played perfectly.
Poison Planet - Oblivious - $5
Pukeoid - Rabid (Pink) - $5 - Snotty hardcore with the right amout of pissed.
Rat Storm - Fractured - $5 - Powerviolence incfluenced D-beat wtih pissed off female vocals.
Rotting Palms - S/T - $4
Rubrics - Sow Your Seeds - $4 - Fifteen-esque pop-punk from SC.
Rubrics/Criminal Culture Split - $4
Shank/Endless Blockade Split - $6
Sick/Tired - Collapsed Lungs - $5
Sidetracked - Forfeit - $4
Sorry Excuse - Listen with Prejudice (Teal) - $4 - Angry straight-edge mosh heavy hardcore.
Surrender - There is No War - $5
Tenement - Ice Pick - $4
The Killers - Picture Disc - $4
The Terrordactyls (Transparent Green) - S/T - $4 - Thrash metal played by punks, thus better than all other thrash.
V/A - Buffalo Brutality - $4
We Must Dismantle All This - Eomaia Scansoria - $5 - Melodic crust mixed with grindy blasts.
We Need to Talk - It's Not Us It's You (Blue) - $4
Whole in the Head - Them and Us - $4
Xtra Vomit/Positive Noise Split - $3 - Crazy good split between two of the most positive bands in the country. DIY, punk, fanstastic.
Used 7":
Any Last Words - S/T - $3
Brutal Knights/Western Dark Split - $5
Domestik Doktrin - S/T - $3 - Indonesia fastcore.
H.F.L. - Oldschool - $5
H.F.L. - Hardcore - $5
Let's Grow - Year's Between Gatherings - $3
Living Under Lies - Out of Fuel - $3 - Fantastic crusty hardcore from the early 2000s
Mass Genocide Process/See You In Hell Split - $3 - Crusty hardcore with a Japanese thrash influence.
Meth Mountain - Monotony - $3 - Sounds like early post-hardcore wtih a really cool surfy edge thrown in.
Protess/Signal Lost Split - $2
Straight Faced - Self Will Run Riot - $5
Straight To Hell/Balance of Terror Split - $3
Street Brats - You'll Never Walk Alone - $2
The Imaginary Friend - Letters Home - $2
The J.V. Allstars - 8,6,7,3,0,9 - $2
The Scarred/Void Control Split (Coke Bottle Clear) - $3
Bellow/Svoboda Split - $4 - Split demo from two great heavy melancholic and metallic DIY bands
Boddicker - Mitch in the Bastard - $4 - D-beat soaked in feedback with hints of crust.
Chemical Peel - Bad Cream - $3 Surfy, garagey, noisy punk.
Enabler - War Begins with You - $3 - Grindy metallic hardcore.
Enabler/Ambassador Gun Split - $4
Impatience - S/T - $4 - Crazed hardcore with members of Protestant, Half Gorilla, etc.
In Defence - Party Lines and Politics - $4
Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split - $4 - Two sides of raw filthy madness. Not to be missed!
Potty Mouth - Big in Brazil - $3
Psychotic Sufferance/Forced Isolation Split - $4 - THIS IS GREAT! Split between two chaocit noisy powerviolence ragers.
Side FX - Demo - $4 - "Reagan Youth playing Japanese Hardcore"... that's the best description I've heard of this!
Vernal Pike - Good Morning, Cruel World - $3 - Pretty indescribable - surf thrash punk? It's good hardcore punk complete with French Horn parts... and it works!
Reality is a Cult Releases:
Casque - Devour the Lion CS - $4 - Misanthropic black metal punk. ($5.50 ppd)
Closet Burner -" S/T 12" (Screen printed B-side, Clear or Transparent Fluourescent Pink Vinyl)- $8 - Pissed-off queer-positive fascrore! ($11 ppd)
Alpinist/Masakari Split - $10 - Two amazing brutal hardcore bands.
Apeface - S/T - $8
Autarkeia - S/T - $8 - Dark, moody, emo.
Ballast - Fuse - $9 - Excellent female fronted melodic crust.
Cloud Rat/Oilly Menace/Wolbachia Split - $8 - Grind, grind, grind... fucking killer.
Cloud Rat/Xtra Vomit Split - $10 - Two amazing bands together. RECCOMMENDED!
Common Enemy - Living the Dream (Green) - $9 - SKATE THRASH SKATE THRASH
Crucifix - Dehumanization (Clear) - $12 - Limited press on clear vinyl, w/original full poster foldout jacket
D. Vassalotti - Book of Ghosts - $12
Dead Stop - Live For Nothing - $10
Discarga - Happy Night Electric Experience - $8 - Insane Brazilian fastcore
Electro Hippies - The Only Good Punk - $15 - Pre-Naplam Death. More pissed and more punk.
Extortion - Sick - $10 - Blindingly awesome techinical powerviolence.
Food - S/T - $7 - Sludgy grungy hardcore mixed up with blasts of intense speed
Glasses - The Ills of Life - $11
Her Breath on Glass - We Aimed Straight Down - $8
Heresy - Face Up To It (White) - $15
High Score - New Fuel - $6 - High energy youth crew hardcore
Human Mess - Follow You Home - $8 - Seething blistering raw hardcore
Hummingbird of Death/I Accuse Split - $8
Hummingbird of Death/Titanarum Split - $8 HoD play fastcore for nerds that love fastcore, Titanarum play dark crusty heavy punk.
Illdad - Rakaptilism - $10
Inservibles - S/T 12"- $10 - Killer fast hardcore punk from Mexico City
Intensity - The Ruins of Our Future - $6
Kam Kama - The Tiles House (White) - $12 - Goth-tinged post punk. Dark, melodic, and catchy. Great shit!
Lentic Waters - S/T - $10
Lich/Ressurectionists Split - $11
Lotus Fucker - S/T - $10
Mainstrike - No Passing Phase - $10
Mainstrike - Quest for the Answers - $12 - X the fuck up and listen to this record. Fanstistic SxE 90s hardcore from the Netherlands
Masakari - The Prophet Feeds - $10 - Intense furocious political hardcore. One of the best bands around right now.
Merkit/Hombinus Dudes Split - $6
Momentum - Whetting Occam's Razor - $10 - Dark dark heavy hardcore with an intelligent message
Negative Standards - VI-XI - $11
Northless/Light Bearer Split - $11
Poison Planet - Boycott Everything (Screened B-Side)- $9
Potty Mouth - Sun Damage - $10 - Infectious garagey punk/Riot Grrl Revival
Ripcord - Discography Pt. 3 - $10
Scrotum Grinder - The Greatest Sonic Abomination Ever - $8 - Fast, pissed, awesome.
See You in Hell - Umet Se Prodat - $8
Sin Ordern - Arte, Cultura, y Resistencia - $8 - Some of the best and smartest hardcore coming out of Chicago.
Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy - $10
Tenement - Blink Wink - $10
Terrible Feelings - Shadows - $12
The Gentle Art of Choking - 2nd LP - $8
The Makai - S/T- $11
Touche Amore - To the Beat of a Dead Horse - $12
V/A - Give me Back - $5
Crow's Foot - S/T - $8 - Melodic emotional crust from FL. Similar to greats like Bread and Water.
Panzram - Reform - $8 - Weird noisy hardcore with elements of 90s screamo like Yaphett Kotto. It's so good.
Protestant - Stalemate - $8 - Amazing record for this staple of Midwestern hardcore.
Auryn/Bosque Split - $3
Auryn/Filth Mattress Split - $3
Bastard - For the Underdogs - $6
Big Hands - S/T - $4 - Swedish black metal influenced d-beat.
Brain Killer - 3rd EP - $5 - Fantastic like always.
Capitalist Casualties/Lack of Interest Split - $5 - 7" that originally came with the Short Fast Loud zine, now on it's own.
Circuit Scarecrow - Snares + Escapism - $3
Cloud Rat/Autarkeia Split - $4
Coaccion - Revolver - $4
Control De Estado - Ladron - $4 - Cross between Crudos and Dropdead. Comes in awesome foldout screenprinted poster sleeve. Get it.
Curmudgeon - Human Orobouros - $5 - Break neck speed powerviolence with crushing female vocals. Smart lyrics too - total winner!
Death Trap - No Hicks - $4
Detonators - Sonic Manifesto - $3
Detonators - Live in Hope - $3
Filthpact/Debacle Split - $4
Go - What We Build Together - $4
Gride/Thema Eleven Split - $4 - Gride play unfuckwithable Czech grind like always. The Thema Eleven songs on this split are fantastic, punk and fuck but dark and heavy - Tragedy-esque vibe. Amazing split!
Guide - Bastard - $4 - Great record of killer powerviolence from great dudes.
Harsh/Shitfit Split - $4 - Hard to find split of D-beat hardcore.
Hexis - X - $4 - Danish oppressive black metal/hardcore punk hybrid that is different than anything you've ever heard. RECCOMMENDED.
Host - There's Nothing Up There But Heavy Clouds (White) - $5
Humans - Milk Pond (Mixed) - $5 - Lightning fast punk weirdness. Sounds a little like the Locust with more punk.
Karoshi - S/T - $3
Knife in the Leg - Bloodlust - $3
Marc Antony - Single Series - $3 - Super technical screamo. Angular and angry, just enough weirdness to always keep you on your toes.
Marc Antony/Dogs of Ire Split (Coke Bottle Clear) - $3 - Two very DIY technical hardcore bands together on a great split.
Napalm Raid - Trail of the World - $5
Peeple Watchin' - S/T - $5 - Poppy punk played perfectly.
Poison Planet - Oblivious - $5
Pukeoid - Rabid (Pink) - $5 - Snotty hardcore with the right amout of pissed.
Rat Storm - Fractured - $5 - Powerviolence incfluenced D-beat wtih pissed off female vocals.
Rotting Palms - S/T - $4
Rubrics - Sow Your Seeds - $4 - Fifteen-esque pop-punk from SC.
Rubrics/Criminal Culture Split - $4
Shank/Endless Blockade Split - $6
Sick/Tired - Collapsed Lungs - $5
Sidetracked - Forfeit - $4
Sorry Excuse - Listen with Prejudice (Teal) - $4 - Angry straight-edge mosh heavy hardcore.
Surrender - There is No War - $5
Tenement - Ice Pick - $4
The Killers - Picture Disc - $4
The Terrordactyls (Transparent Green) - S/T - $4 - Thrash metal played by punks, thus better than all other thrash.
V/A - Buffalo Brutality - $4
We Must Dismantle All This - Eomaia Scansoria - $5 - Melodic crust mixed with grindy blasts.
We Need to Talk - It's Not Us It's You (Blue) - $4
Whole in the Head - Them and Us - $4
Xtra Vomit/Positive Noise Split - $3 - Crazy good split between two of the most positive bands in the country. DIY, punk, fanstastic.
Used 7":
Any Last Words - S/T - $3
Brutal Knights/Western Dark Split - $5
Domestik Doktrin - S/T - $3 - Indonesia fastcore.
H.F.L. - Oldschool - $5
H.F.L. - Hardcore - $5
Let's Grow - Year's Between Gatherings - $3
Living Under Lies - Out of Fuel - $3 - Fantastic crusty hardcore from the early 2000s
Mass Genocide Process/See You In Hell Split - $3 - Crusty hardcore with a Japanese thrash influence.
Meth Mountain - Monotony - $3 - Sounds like early post-hardcore wtih a really cool surfy edge thrown in.
Protess/Signal Lost Split - $2
Straight Faced - Self Will Run Riot - $5
Straight To Hell/Balance of Terror Split - $3
Street Brats - You'll Never Walk Alone - $2
The Imaginary Friend - Letters Home - $2
The J.V. Allstars - 8,6,7,3,0,9 - $2
The Scarred/Void Control Split (Coke Bottle Clear) - $3
Bellow/Svoboda Split - $4 - Split demo from two great heavy melancholic and metallic DIY bands
Boddicker - Mitch in the Bastard - $4 - D-beat soaked in feedback with hints of crust.
Chemical Peel - Bad Cream - $3 Surfy, garagey, noisy punk.
Enabler - War Begins with You - $3 - Grindy metallic hardcore.
Enabler/Ambassador Gun Split - $4
Impatience - S/T - $4 - Crazed hardcore with members of Protestant, Half Gorilla, etc.
In Defence - Party Lines and Politics - $4
Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split - $4 - Two sides of raw filthy madness. Not to be missed!
Potty Mouth - Big in Brazil - $3
Psychotic Sufferance/Forced Isolation Split - $4 - THIS IS GREAT! Split between two chaocit noisy powerviolence ragers.
Side FX - Demo - $4 - "Reagan Youth playing Japanese Hardcore"... that's the best description I've heard of this!
Vernal Pike - Good Morning, Cruel World - $3 - Pretty indescribable - surf thrash punk? It's good hardcore punk complete with French Horn parts... and it works!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Casque CS
reality #002 - Rat Storm/Chaotic Neutral 7" is still at the plant, but should be done soon!
In the meantime... some tapes!
First up:
reality #003
Casque - Devour the Lion
Absolutely brutal black metal/misanthropic hardcore punk. Manages to remain dark and brooding - true to being termed "black metal" - but is still punk as fuck. Not to be missed. Download it here or go the bandcamp to stream it.
The band is on a hiatus at the moment, so this is a short run of only 29 tapes. Come with a really cool looking J-card that is French Paper screen-printed with silver and white ink. Tapes are $5.50 ppd If you want to a physical copy shoot me an email - - they are gonna go fast!
Coming soon:
Mary and Child - Freedom, Joy, Love CS
Falter - Demo CS
Partiac Arrest - Beat Wagon CS
In the meantime... some tapes!
First up:
reality #003
Casque - Devour the Lion
Absolutely brutal black metal/misanthropic hardcore punk. Manages to remain dark and brooding - true to being termed "black metal" - but is still punk as fuck. Not to be missed. Download it here or go the bandcamp to stream it.
The band is on a hiatus at the moment, so this is a short run of only 29 tapes. Come with a really cool looking J-card that is French Paper screen-printed with silver and white ink. Tapes are $5.50 ppd If you want to a physical copy shoot me an email - - they are gonna go fast!
Coming soon:
Mary and Child - Freedom, Joy, Love CS
Falter - Demo CS
Partiac Arrest - Beat Wagon CS
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