Alright, this here is update #2. These are the things that I have coming up out in the next couple months. So much awesome stuff.
REALITY #016 - Rubrics/Abolitionist Split 7" - This is already at the plant and should be out any time now. There are a ton of labels helping out, and I'm only getting a small amount of these, but you should definitely pick one up, because both bands fucking rule.
REALITY #017 - xWill Powerx/Giz Medium Split CS - Ok, this may be a bit off my norm, but I think it's really good, so fuck it. This is a "folk-punk" split between two friends of mine. Both Will (who also plays in Closet Burner) and Giz (of Xtra-Medium) play stripped down heartfelt songs about being alive and being lost. They each cover one of each others songs also. These are the types of songs that scream along to when you are by yourself (or at least I do).
REALITY #018 - CHUD - Demo CS - A repressing of CHUD's demo they put out last winter... and it still fucking rules. CHUD is a hardcore band, but they don't sound like most hardcore bands. I'm not really sure how to describe it.. to me it sorta sounds like the Minutemen or Dead Milkmen but more raw and intense. These guys are keeping punk weird, and, for that, they fucking rule.
REALITY #019 - Butt Piss - S/T CS - Another reissue here. This was only out on CD-R previously, and I'm pretty sure the band only played like two shows after the CD was finished, which is a shame. Butt Piss's line-up features Jon from Rat Storm and Closet Burner (and Reality is a Cult) on drums, Jonathan, who now plays bass in Closet Burner, on vocals, as well as an array of other Bloomington long-time punx and thrashers. This is trashy skate punk played fucking right. I'm reissuing it on a pretty limited run of cassettes with screen-printed J-cards - grab it while you can because the band is long gone, and this is probably your last time to pick up this gem of Bloomington, IN punk history.
REALITY #020 - This is getting its own update... so you'll have to wait.
REALITY #021 - Marc Antony/D'amore Split CS - Okay, so here is another reissue of a record that never really got a proper release. These songs were recorded for a split vinyl that got ordered back in like 2005 and almost pressed but some strange array of problems caused it to never actually happen. It's really too bad because this is some of the best work by these two bands. Marc Antony also features Jon (Rat Storm/Closet Burner) on drums, but this is back in his California days of playing frantic technical emo. I think most people would call Marc Antony a screamo band... it's DIY, they took their politics seriously, and it's great. The D'amore side is similarly crushing technical emo/screamo/what-have-you (I refuse to use the word skramz, sorry). Members of D'amore went on to form the much better known bands Towers, Algernon Cadwallalder, Peter & Craig, plus many others - however, for fans of any of those bands, you really should pick this up - it's a few great tracks that were sadly lost to pressing plant woes, finally available for your mass consumption. I'll have them up and streaming soon.
REALITY #022 - Nuclear Hellfrost -Bestial Grinding Carnage Flexi 7" - This band is pure grinding DIY black metal from Ft. Wayne. I haven't heard the tracks that are going on this yet, but the artwork is fucking perfect and everything these guys have done rules. The recordings are being finished right now and I'll have them up and streaming very soon.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
I have been neglecting my internet presence really badly, but it's ok - I've been busy making music, putting out music, and teaching physics. What day do I pick to stop neglecting the internet?... christmas, of course! Anyway, I'm gonna do this update in a few parts over a few days. This first part is the catching up.
First of all - I'm back in Galesburg, IL.
It's cold and there's not a lot going on, but that's no matter - PUNX ALWAYS GONNA PUNX!
The two releases that were up for pre-order over the summer - Falter - Descent 7" and We Must Dismantle All This - Decathect 12" - are actually here and shipping out. They also are both really fucking awesome releases. If you haven't given them a listen, you really need to. Both of them are streaming at Sorry they stayed in "pre-order" for so long, various delays and general laziness on my part are to blame.

Also, at the end of the summer the Occultonomy - Demo CS was released. This is a weird little tape crammed with 9 songs in about 8 minutes focusing on important topics like bigfoot, skateboarding, and ufo sightings. If you order the tape you get a free "Sasquatch the State" patch that features my favorite imagery I have ever come up with.
And lastly, but probably the most exciting for me. Just last month the new Rat Storm - Empty Hands 7" came out! This is my favorite Rat Storm release to date. It was recorded by the almighty Carl Byers of Coffinworm and it just right. This was co-released with IFB Records and Profane Existence. The band members have been long-time fans of/influenced by Profane Existence, so it is very exciting to be teaming up with them for this release. It is also being released as #12 in the Profane Existence 2013 Single Series! Give it a listen and if you buy it before Jan. 1st, you can get a rad deal where you get a T-Shirt with it for only a couple bucks more.
Okay - another update soon with everything that is going to be coming out in the next few months. THERE IS A LOT!
First of all - I'm back in Galesburg, IL.
It's cold and there's not a lot going on, but that's no matter - PUNX ALWAYS GONNA PUNX!
The two releases that were up for pre-order over the summer - Falter - Descent 7" and We Must Dismantle All This - Decathect 12" - are actually here and shipping out. They also are both really fucking awesome releases. If you haven't given them a listen, you really need to. Both of them are streaming at Sorry they stayed in "pre-order" for so long, various delays and general laziness on my part are to blame.

Also, at the end of the summer the Occultonomy - Demo CS was released. This is a weird little tape crammed with 9 songs in about 8 minutes focusing on important topics like bigfoot, skateboarding, and ufo sightings. If you order the tape you get a free "Sasquatch the State" patch that features my favorite imagery I have ever come up with.
And lastly, but probably the most exciting for me. Just last month the new Rat Storm - Empty Hands 7" came out! This is my favorite Rat Storm release to date. It was recorded by the almighty Carl Byers of Coffinworm and it just right. This was co-released with IFB Records and Profane Existence. The band members have been long-time fans of/influenced by Profane Existence, so it is very exciting to be teaming up with them for this release. It is also being released as #12 in the Profane Existence 2013 Single Series! Give it a listen and if you buy it before Jan. 1st, you can get a rad deal where you get a T-Shirt with it for only a couple bucks more.
Okay - another update soon with everything that is going to be coming out in the next few months. THERE IS A LOT!
Friday, July 19, 2013
More Summer 2013 Releases
For those of you that don't know, I am back in Bloomington, IN for a little while. I've been here since the middle of June and will be here until the beginning of September when I will be defending my dissertation . and hopefully getting my PhD! I will insist that you all start calling me Dr. Reality is a Cult at that point of course.
Being back in Bloomington has reminded me of why this is one of my favorite towns ever... and also reminded me that DIY hardcore and punk still is fucking awesome. There have been a ton of good shows going on... and I have even more new stuff coming out. So here is my label update:
First off is Falter. I did a demo for these guys less than a year ago, and it was fucking awesome. Their new 7" is just as fucking awesome... in fact, even more so. The vocals are totally seething and the music just as angry and punishing. They change up the pace a bit on Death Within bringing in a bit of more slow, dark, noisy aspect that works perfectly. I'm super stoked to be putting out this music and the people in this band are great hardworking people that put on a killer live show. If you get a chance to go see them, don't fuck up. Right now, I have a handful of cassette copies of this release as well as a very limited number of test presses with screen printed covers that I will put up for sale soon. The band has test presses on tour with them now and you can find their dates on their facebook ( The normal 7"s will be up for sale within a few weeks and I will probably be doing some special with it.
Next up is We Must Dismantle All This from Champaign, IL. I've known of few of these fuckers since they were pre-teens (well, maybe just teenagers, but yeah...) and they have always been some of my favorite people in the punk scene. This is genuine killer thrashy crusty hardcore and it fucking rules. All of these people are sincere, honest, and all around just make me feel good to be a punk. The music is driving D-beat with melodic guitars that have a thrashy edge. The vocals are intense and intelligent, and overall it comes together to create an awesome atmosphere of raw fucking punk. Well, that's my thought on it anyway. Their new 12", Decathect, is coming out on a few different labels and I'm very excited to be one of them. Their bass player Sali also runs a rad label called Dead Rodent that I have worked with before., and you should check it out, there are not enough women running labels in the scene (up the lady punx!). Anyway, this should be out in a month or less... they are also doing a tour this summer and you should definitely try to catch them if you can (info here). They are amazing live and Justin is a fellow PhD-controller so ask him difficult questions when you see him, especially about philosophy.
There is also all the other new stuff and summer deals: - go buy stuff... yeah.
Being back in Bloomington has reminded me of why this is one of my favorite towns ever... and also reminded me that DIY hardcore and punk still is fucking awesome. There have been a ton of good shows going on... and I have even more new stuff coming out. So here is my label update:
First off is Falter. I did a demo for these guys less than a year ago, and it was fucking awesome. Their new 7" is just as fucking awesome... in fact, even more so. The vocals are totally seething and the music just as angry and punishing. They change up the pace a bit on Death Within bringing in a bit of more slow, dark, noisy aspect that works perfectly. I'm super stoked to be putting out this music and the people in this band are great hardworking people that put on a killer live show. If you get a chance to go see them, don't fuck up. Right now, I have a handful of cassette copies of this release as well as a very limited number of test presses with screen printed covers that I will put up for sale soon. The band has test presses on tour with them now and you can find their dates on their facebook ( The normal 7"s will be up for sale within a few weeks and I will probably be doing some special with it.
Next up is We Must Dismantle All This from Champaign, IL. I've known of few of these fuckers since they were pre-teens (well, maybe just teenagers, but yeah...) and they have always been some of my favorite people in the punk scene. This is genuine killer thrashy crusty hardcore and it fucking rules. All of these people are sincere, honest, and all around just make me feel good to be a punk. The music is driving D-beat with melodic guitars that have a thrashy edge. The vocals are intense and intelligent, and overall it comes together to create an awesome atmosphere of raw fucking punk. Well, that's my thought on it anyway. Their new 12", Decathect, is coming out on a few different labels and I'm very excited to be one of them. Their bass player Sali also runs a rad label called Dead Rodent that I have worked with before., and you should check it out, there are not enough women running labels in the scene (up the lady punx!). Anyway, this should be out in a month or less... they are also doing a tour this summer and you should definitely try to catch them if you can (info here). They are amazing live and Justin is a fellow PhD-controller so ask him difficult questions when you see him, especially about philosophy.
There is also all the other new stuff and summer deals: - go buy stuff... yeah.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Buy some records!
Updated the downloads and bandcamp!
Don't miss out on the summer specials:
Don't miss out on the summer specials:

or the new records!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
HUGE Upate - NEW: Cheap Art, Kata Sarka/Boddicker Splits, and Stabler Cassettes. Plus Summer 2013 SPECIALS
Woah! Being a professor is rough... well, actually it's great, but it's rough when it comes to keeping up on the label. Sorry about the lack of updates, but I now have lots and lots of updates to provide. As well as special deals. Or if you don't want to read of this, just go to the store to see what's there and the bandcamp to stream new music.
First of all, I still have Parasitic Twins 7"s as well as a few of the Peeple Watchin' - Something to Tell Ya' CS's available. They are both total rippers and you really need to pick them up!
In more recent news I have THREE new releases that are all ready to go, and all kinds of things that will be in the next couple months.
First up: Kata Sarka/Boddicker split 7"s are here it is a pretty perfect slab of wax, if I may say so myself. Blackened crusty D-beat on both sides but each band has their own unique sound. Kata Sarka have been churning out blistering releases for the last few years, including an earlier release of this split on CS. Boddicker also have a killer first release under their belt too. When this split was available in cassette form Cult Nation named it one of the best splits of 2012. So, yeah, don't fuck up and miss out on this one while it's on vinyl.
Next up is the newest release, the Cheap Art - Desocialized 7". This record is amazing and if you haven't heard this band yet, you need to. I met Cheap Art when Rat Storm played in Atlanta and they blew me away at that show. They were an amazing band and the members are some of the most genuine people I have ever met! But, this 7" goes far beyond blowing me away. It's energetic, smart, powerful, fast, and played perfectly. Cheap Art play super tight hardcore at speeds that are pretty out of control. Dual male/female vocals (I hate that female vocals are still a "thing" but let's face it… girls rule, so it's worth mentioning when there is a lady screamer) tear through what is probably the best fastcore record I've heard in 10 years. No joking. They recently wrapped up a short tour of the Eastern US where they had test presses of this release, and have another tour planned for next year. I'm so happy to be a part of this fantastic 7". It is a split release with Hygiene Records from NC. Comes on black, or a very limited number of mint green or yellow vinyl.
Lastly, but still very exciting, is the recently released Stabler - The Squadroom CS. This is killer tape of intense hardcore played just like it is supposed to be - energetic and sincere. Stabler are young dudes from Louisville, KY that play a really interesting mix of the styles that have been coming out of that region for the last couple years. This is tough hardcore, but not too tough. Plenty of beat down mosh moments, but not so much you get bored. At times it's thrashy and chaotic and at other times it almost fastcore. Overall, just good fucking hardcore - plus they are named after a certain dreamy detective from L&O:SVU. Just listen to it now! Dubbed on berries (clear blue cassettes) and cherries (clear red cassettes).
We Must Dismantle All This LP - Fuck this band is amazing. Crustcore with influences from all over the place that make it truly unique. If you haven't heard of this band, it's only because they haven't jumped on the hype wagon but have kept true to the DIY spirit. They have been playing genuine hardcore punk for years and have been working harder and making better music than 90% of the bands you HAVE heard of. Give them a listen and check them out on tour.
CHUD demo tapes will be out ASAP. My duplicators are in Illinois...and I'm in Indiana, but as soon as I get them, these are getting dubbed! This is the same demo that they self-released 25 copies of in the Winter. But I'm dubbing 50 for them and this time they will be on blue cassettes with baby-blue covers.
Falter - Descent 7"is off at the plant. Hope to have test presses in time for their tour in July, but either way should be out by the end of the summer. It's so fucking good. Seething vocals, furious drums, and relentless guitar and bass pummeling. Just saw these guys play a few days ago, and they are even MORE powerful live than on recording, and that's saying something.
Butt-Piss cassette re-issue is still coming, just being slow about making it happen. Hopefully will get done by the fall.
Repress of the Casque - Devour the Lion tape also is going to happen very soon to - probably by the end of the summer.
Planning the release of a Nuclear Hellfrost Flexi in the fall.
Finally, Warpath Discography LP is definitely still going to happen - I've just been in over my head with stuff that needs to get out in time for tours and everything!
Wanna see this stuff get done sooner? By stuff from me!
'013 7" Deal: You like 7 inches? Get all three of the newest Reality is a Cult 7"s for $13 ppd in the US. See store for international shipping prices. You will get the Parasitic Twins 7", Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split 7", and Cheap Art - Desocialized 7" shipped to your house for $13!
'013 Cassette Deal: Prefer cassettes or just want more music for your money? Get 4 cassettes for $13 ppd in the US (see store for international postage)! Cassette pack will include Stabler - The Squadroom, Peeple Watchin' - Something to Tell Ya', Falter - Demo, and Mary & Child - Freedom, Joy, Love. These are all killer tapes, so order them!
Limited Time Cheap Art package: First 10 orders of the Cheap Art 7" will come with a two-layered screen printed poster of the album artwork, no extra cost. ($2 extra if you want to add the poster to the 7" deal - or $4 ppd to order one on its own)
Limited Time Kata Sarka/Boddicker package: First 20 orders of the Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split will come with a screen printed David Lee Gorgoroth poster. First 10 of those will be on metallic foil paper… because shiny things are cool. Of course no extra cost… just because you are cool. ($2 extra if you want to add the poster to the 7" deal - or $4 ppd to order one on its own)
Thanks for coming and checking out what I have to offer! Stay weird and stay punx.
First of all, I still have Parasitic Twins 7"s as well as a few of the Peeple Watchin' - Something to Tell Ya' CS's available. They are both total rippers and you really need to pick them up!
In more recent news I have THREE new releases that are all ready to go, and all kinds of things that will be in the next couple months.
First up: Kata Sarka/Boddicker split 7"s are here it is a pretty perfect slab of wax, if I may say so myself. Blackened crusty D-beat on both sides but each band has their own unique sound. Kata Sarka have been churning out blistering releases for the last few years, including an earlier release of this split on CS. Boddicker also have a killer first release under their belt too. When this split was available in cassette form Cult Nation named it one of the best splits of 2012. So, yeah, don't fuck up and miss out on this one while it's on vinyl.
Next up is the newest release, the Cheap Art - Desocialized 7". This record is amazing and if you haven't heard this band yet, you need to. I met Cheap Art when Rat Storm played in Atlanta and they blew me away at that show. They were an amazing band and the members are some of the most genuine people I have ever met! But, this 7" goes far beyond blowing me away. It's energetic, smart, powerful, fast, and played perfectly. Cheap Art play super tight hardcore at speeds that are pretty out of control. Dual male/female vocals (I hate that female vocals are still a "thing" but let's face it… girls rule, so it's worth mentioning when there is a lady screamer) tear through what is probably the best fastcore record I've heard in 10 years. No joking. They recently wrapped up a short tour of the Eastern US where they had test presses of this release, and have another tour planned for next year. I'm so happy to be a part of this fantastic 7". It is a split release with Hygiene Records from NC. Comes on black, or a very limited number of mint green or yellow vinyl.
Lastly, but still very exciting, is the recently released Stabler - The Squadroom CS. This is killer tape of intense hardcore played just like it is supposed to be - energetic and sincere. Stabler are young dudes from Louisville, KY that play a really interesting mix of the styles that have been coming out of that region for the last couple years. This is tough hardcore, but not too tough. Plenty of beat down mosh moments, but not so much you get bored. At times it's thrashy and chaotic and at other times it almost fastcore. Overall, just good fucking hardcore - plus they are named after a certain dreamy detective from L&O:SVU. Just listen to it now! Dubbed on berries (clear blue cassettes) and cherries (clear red cassettes).
Coming up:
We Must Dismantle All This LP - Fuck this band is amazing. Crustcore with influences from all over the place that make it truly unique. If you haven't heard of this band, it's only because they haven't jumped on the hype wagon but have kept true to the DIY spirit. They have been playing genuine hardcore punk for years and have been working harder and making better music than 90% of the bands you HAVE heard of. Give them a listen and check them out on tour.
CHUD demo tapes will be out ASAP. My duplicators are in Illinois...and I'm in Indiana, but as soon as I get them, these are getting dubbed! This is the same demo that they self-released 25 copies of in the Winter. But I'm dubbing 50 for them and this time they will be on blue cassettes with baby-blue covers.
Falter - Descent 7"is off at the plant. Hope to have test presses in time for their tour in July, but either way should be out by the end of the summer. It's so fucking good. Seething vocals, furious drums, and relentless guitar and bass pummeling. Just saw these guys play a few days ago, and they are even MORE powerful live than on recording, and that's saying something.
Butt-Piss cassette re-issue is still coming, just being slow about making it happen. Hopefully will get done by the fall.
Repress of the Casque - Devour the Lion tape also is going to happen very soon to - probably by the end of the summer.
Planning the release of a Nuclear Hellfrost Flexi in the fall.
Finally, Warpath Discography LP is definitely still going to happen - I've just been in over my head with stuff that needs to get out in time for tours and everything!
Wanna see this stuff get done sooner? By stuff from me!
'013 7" Deal: You like 7 inches? Get all three of the newest Reality is a Cult 7"s for $13 ppd in the US. See store for international shipping prices. You will get the Parasitic Twins 7", Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split 7", and Cheap Art - Desocialized 7" shipped to your house for $13!
'013 Cassette Deal: Prefer cassettes or just want more music for your money? Get 4 cassettes for $13 ppd in the US (see store for international postage)! Cassette pack will include Stabler - The Squadroom, Peeple Watchin' - Something to Tell Ya', Falter - Demo, and Mary & Child - Freedom, Joy, Love. These are all killer tapes, so order them!
Limited Time Cheap Art package: First 10 orders of the Cheap Art 7" will come with a two-layered screen printed poster of the album artwork, no extra cost. ($2 extra if you want to add the poster to the 7" deal - or $4 ppd to order one on its own)
Limited Time Kata Sarka/Boddicker package: First 20 orders of the Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split will come with a screen printed David Lee Gorgoroth poster. First 10 of those will be on metallic foil paper… because shiny things are cool. Of course no extra cost… just because you are cool. ($2 extra if you want to add the poster to the 7" deal - or $4 ppd to order one on its own)
Thanks for coming and checking out what I have to offer! Stay weird and stay punx.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
New location and new releases - plus updates
There have been a lot of changes since the last time I updated!
First things first - We've moved; Reality is a Cult is now in Galesburg, IL . I am currently a visiting professor of physics at Knox College, so while I'm here, so is Reality is a Cult! New address is 1693 N. Broad St, Galesburg, IL 61401.
I have been bad about updating due to the moving and new job and all, so here is a whole bunch of new stuff:
Parasitic Twins 7" is here! It is a fucking ripper too. 5 tracks of killer hardcore punk. Elements of Black Flag, Poison Idea, and Blitz come together in some totally killer, mosh-inducing, and sing-alongable hardcore. Streaming on bandcamp, free download will be up soon - for sale in the online store!
Reality #008 - Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split 7" - is at the plant and should be here very soon. I'm so happy to be a part of putting this on wax. It was released on cassette several months ago, but it is such a total ripper that it definitely deserves to be pressed into vinyl and it soon will be. I'll try to keep up with updates as test presses and records come in. Until then, you can stream it on bandcamp. I'm no good at writing descriptions, but if you like black metal or D-beat you really need to hear this. This review from Cult Nation sums it up pretty well. Pre-order this shit today!
Also, JUST released the cassette version of the Peeple Watchin' - Somethin' to Tell Ya LP. Peeple Watchin' play fucking awesome pop-punk with a capital PUNK. Intelligent, relevant, and catchy... check it out. They are leaving on tour on Wednesday, so if you can go see them play! The vinyl version is coming out on Nervous Nelly Records and will be available in a couple weeks. Also streaming and freely downloadable on bandcamp, and the download file will soon be posted here as well.
Finally - If you ordered anything in the last month or so - it probably hasn't shipped yet and I very much apologize for that. Due to moving and starting a new job, I have just been really behind on everything and a lot of the label stuff has fallen through the cracks. I'm getting back on top of things and I'll have in all in the mail in the next few days. Hopefully I haven't pissed anyone off too much!
First things first - We've moved; Reality is a Cult is now in Galesburg, IL . I am currently a visiting professor of physics at Knox College, so while I'm here, so is Reality is a Cult! New address is 1693 N. Broad St, Galesburg, IL 61401.
I have been bad about updating due to the moving and new job and all, so here is a whole bunch of new stuff:
Parasitic Twins 7" is here! It is a fucking ripper too. 5 tracks of killer hardcore punk. Elements of Black Flag, Poison Idea, and Blitz come together in some totally killer, mosh-inducing, and sing-alongable hardcore. Streaming on bandcamp, free download will be up soon - for sale in the online store!
Reality #008 - Kata Sarka/Boddicker Split 7" - is at the plant and should be here very soon. I'm so happy to be a part of putting this on wax. It was released on cassette several months ago, but it is such a total ripper that it definitely deserves to be pressed into vinyl and it soon will be. I'll try to keep up with updates as test presses and records come in. Until then, you can stream it on bandcamp. I'm no good at writing descriptions, but if you like black metal or D-beat you really need to hear this. This review from Cult Nation sums it up pretty well. Pre-order this shit today!
Also, JUST released the cassette version of the Peeple Watchin' - Somethin' to Tell Ya LP. Peeple Watchin' play fucking awesome pop-punk with a capital PUNK. Intelligent, relevant, and catchy... check it out. They are leaving on tour on Wednesday, so if you can go see them play! The vinyl version is coming out on Nervous Nelly Records and will be available in a couple weeks. Also streaming and freely downloadable on bandcamp, and the download file will soon be posted here as well.
Finally - If you ordered anything in the last month or so - it probably hasn't shipped yet and I very much apologize for that. Due to moving and starting a new job, I have just been really behind on everything and a lot of the label stuff has fallen through the cracks. I'm getting back on top of things and I'll have in all in the mail in the next few days. Hopefully I haven't pissed anyone off too much!
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