Friday, July 19, 2013

More Summer 2013 Releases

For those of you that don't know, I am back in Bloomington, IN for a little while.  I've been here since the middle of June and will be here until the beginning of September when I will be defending my dissertation . and hopefully getting my PhD!  I will insist that you all start calling me Dr. Reality is a Cult at that point of course.

Being back in Bloomington has reminded me of why this is one of my favorite towns ever... and also reminded me that DIY hardcore and punk still is fucking awesome.  There have been a ton of good shows going on... and I have even more new stuff coming out.  So here is my label update:

First off is Falter.  I did a demo for these guys less than a year ago, and it was fucking awesome.  Their new 7" is just as fucking awesome... in fact, even more so.  The vocals are totally seething and the music just as angry and punishing.  They change up the pace a bit on Death Within bringing in a bit of more slow, dark, noisy aspect that works perfectly.  I'm super stoked to be putting out this music and the people in this band are great hardworking people that put on a killer live show.  If you get a chance to go see them, don't fuck up.  Right now, I have a handful of cassette copies of this release as well as a very limited number of test presses with screen printed covers that I will put up for sale soon.  The band has test presses on tour with them now and you can find their dates on their facebook (  The normal 7"s will be up for sale within a few weeks and I will probably be doing some special with it.

Next up is We Must Dismantle All This from Champaign, IL.  I've known of few of these fuckers since they were pre-teens (well, maybe just teenagers, but yeah...) and they have always been some of my favorite people in the punk scene.  This is genuine killer thrashy crusty hardcore and it fucking rules.  All of these people are sincere, honest, and all around just make me feel good to be a punk.  The music is driving D-beat with melodic guitars that have a thrashy edge.  The vocals are intense and intelligent, and overall it comes together to create an awesome atmosphere of raw fucking punk.  Well, that's my thought on it anyway.  Their new 12", Decathect, is coming out on a few different labels and I'm very excited to be one of them.  Their bass player Sali also runs a rad label called Dead Rodent that I have worked with before., and you should check it out, there are not enough women running labels in the scene (up the lady punx!).   Anyway, this should be out in a month or less... they are also doing a tour this summer and you should definitely try to catch them if you can (info here).  They are amazing live and Justin is a fellow PhD-controller so ask him difficult questions when you see him, especially about philosophy.

There is also all the other new stuff and summer deals: - go buy stuff... yeah.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Buy some records!

Updated the downloads and bandcamp!

Don't miss out on the summer specials:

or the new records!